Outdoor swimming pool in Izegem
Outdoor swimming pool in Izegem
Open from May 15 to end of June on Wed from 3 to 6.30 pm, on Sat from 2 to 5.45 pm and on Sun from 10 am to 1 pm. Open every day in July and August from 2 to 7.45 pm (weekdays) and from 10 to 11.30 am (weekends). The outdoor pool may be closed depending on the weather.

Heilig Hartstraat 15, 8870 Izegem – +32 51 30 33 22 - http://sport.izegem.be

Toerisme Leiestreek
Toerisme Leiestreek was established on 5 September 2000. It unites 27 Lys Valley municipalities around a few common objectives: - tourist-recreational policy planning - improvement of the tourist-recreational structure & - promoting the Lys Valley as a tourist-recreational region Important point of attention include cycling & walking, water tourism, and art and culture on the waterfront. The functioning of Toerisme Leiestreek is based on the Strategic Policy Plan Tourism & Recreation for the Lys Valley. This plan lays out the major strong points for several years.