Omer Vander Ghinste Brewery
Omer Vander Ghinste Brewery
This family brewery has had an "Omer" at its head for five generations. Here, we brew bockor pils, intense beer from OMER, Traditional Blond and Vanderghinste Roodbruin, a typical regional specialty. On Saturdays and Sundays you can visit the brand new Visitor Center and taste one of their beers for free in the historic brewhouse or on the summer terrace.

Practical information
Visits to : Brouwtorenstraat 5 - Bellegem
Phone : +32 56 23 51 71
Mail :

Lys sans Frontières
For more than 20 years, Lys sans Frontières has been working in favor of sustainable development and ecotourism in the Vallée de la Lys. Tourist player in the field, we have a privileged knowledge of our cross-border destination that we invite you to appreciate along the water, on foot, by bike, on horseback or by boat. By putting the “Cape on the golden river! », you will not only live a unique and original experience but you will also contribute to the enhancement and preservation of our heritage.