Wervik - Wervicq-Sud city walk
Wervik - Wervicq-Sud city walk
Enjoying and discovering the border region between Belgium and France, that is what the Wervik - Wervicq-Sud city walking route offers in a nutshell. You will get acquainted with the rich past of the Tobacco City and walk through the “De Balokken” green recreational island. Just across the border, you will experience the French ‘joie de vivre’ in the twinned city of Wervicq-Sud and discover a few historic sights. The new architectural border bridge offers a beautiful view over the ‘Golden River’.

Toerisme Leiestreek
Toerisme Leiestreek was established on 5 September 2000. It unites 27 Lys Valley municipalities around a few common objectives: - tourist-recreational policy planning - improvement of the tourist-recreational structure & - promoting the Lys Valley as a tourist-recreational region Important point of attention include cycling & walking, water tourism, and art and culture on the waterfront. The functioning of Toerisme Leiestreek is based on the Strategic Policy Plan Tourism & Recreation for the Lys Valley. This plan lays out the major strong points for several years.